Discover the NIMBUS Ecosystem

The BlackRainbow Ecosystem, NIMBUS, provides complete control and visibility to the full investigation lifecycle, supported with defensible evidence tracking, task management and reporting, all underpinned by compliance to the latest quality standards and procedures.

Show me How
  • Intelligence

    The Smarts: NIMBUS Intelligence delivers a best-practice approach to intelligence management.

  • Investigator

    The Sleuth: NIMBUS Investigator is a comprehensive investigation lifecycle platform.

  • Forensics

    The Facts: NIMBUS Forensics is a comprehensive platform for forensic case management.

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Managing chain of custody across many moving parts

NIMBUS tracks evidence from the moment it is entered into the system to disclosure. It tracks all details about the evidence, the date and time, where seized from and movement of evidence across multiple external and internal experts maintaining a defensible (i.e. auditable) chain of custody.

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Managing large teams of disparate stakeholders

NIMBUS records, co-ordinates and manages large cohorts of stakeholders ranging from core case investigators to suspects/ custodians to defence and prosecution teams ensuring the correct roles and permissions are in place, so the right information and data is accessed and actioned.

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Ensuring timely actions and clear accountability

NIMBUS has a full actions management to track all tasks, along with SLAs against tasks for efficiency and planning and tracking who does what when. NIMBUS action trees show each account and how decisions were made when.

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Facilitating effective decision making

The objective of our NIMBUS reporting and live dashboards is to provide need to know, real time operational data at all levels of an organisation to make informed business decisions based on your criteria.

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Ensuring compliance to standard operating procedures

NIMBUS ensures that tasks are carried out in line with standard procedures in a simple, repeatable and auditable manner. NIMBUS’s integrated QMS and CMS ensures that you have trained and competent practitioners working on validated assets in compliance with accepted, accredited and risk-based processes.

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Improving cross case collaboration

NIMBUS allows collaborative working using case analytics and effective searching. All information stored within NIMBUS is indexed into an Elasticsearch index and available immediately for searching, subject to appropriate user access permissions, this allows for instant search access to all aspects of the system. This capability also allows for external system searching using NIMBUS API.

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Improving inefficient processes

NIMBUS has been designed to reduce manual entry while providing automated services (by delivering streamlined forensic processes) and significant efficiencies across all areas of forensic services. NIMBUS delivers streamlined processes across the whole platform, enabling forensic staff to focus on the technical activity rather than administration, enabling overall savings on cost, time and resource.

Delivering Transformational Operational Efficiencies

How NIMBUS manages your risks & challenges

Man Presenting NIMBUS Intelligence in Board Room

The Smarts of the NIMBUS Ecosystem

What is NIMBUS Intelligence?

NIMBUS Intelligence delivers a high-quality, best-practice approach to the management and development of intelligence within any investigative environment – providing an innovative solution to every stage of the intelligence cycle.

Woman Using NIMBUS Investigator on iPad

Built by Investigators for Investigators

What is NIMBUS Investigator?

Investigator is a cutting-edge platform tailored specifically for the dynamic needs of investigators, designed to empower efficient execution and management of every facet of an investigation.

Scientist Using NIMBUS Forensics


What is NIMBUS Forensics?

Streamline investigations with our comprehensive Forensic Case Management platform. Organise evidence, streamline workflows, and collaborate seamlessly to solve cases faster. Empower your team with powerful tools designed for efficiency and accuracy.

Join 100K+ Worldwide Users


“Nimbus has been an absolute life saver for our unit, and we could not be happier with the software. I continually find new ways the software has assisted us in streamlining our processes.”

Dallas Police Department

“When looking at the other options during our procurement process NIMBUS was the only tool that fully met our needs and was capable of managing investigations, evidence, forensics, and ISO accreditation.”

Law Enforcement Customer

“Prior to having NIMBUS, all aspects of our investigations were recorded and managed across multiple solutions such as email, spreadsheets and on employees’ devices. Having NIMBUS allows up-to-date, accurate and auditable recording of casework which has been game changing.”

Global Financial Services Customer

“We have a much improved overview on the current status of each ongoing investigation. The management of some several thousand data objects would not be possible without NIMBUS. Additionally, NIMBUS helps us standardise the required steps during an investigation to gain reproducible results and even automate certain tasks and therefore reduce our workload.”

Law Enforcement Customer

“I would absolutely recommend NIMBUS to other organisations for the complete management of their investigations. NIMBUS achieves the best results through standardisation and alignment to our existing processes and procedures.”

Corporate Fraud Investigation Customer

Sector-specific NIMBUS Solutions

NIMBUS isn’t designed as a one-size-fits-all platform. Click below to find out how the NIMBUS ecosystem can be tailored to meet and exceed the individual digital forensics and investigation requirements of your sector and organisation.

  • Built for Law Enforcement

    Solve everyday case management problems surrounding integrity, efficiency, evidence tracking and more.

  • Built for Government

    Streamline complex investigations by harnessing governance, case and quality management.

  • Built for Corporate

    Unravel complexity with full disclosure review and digital case file production in a seamless, intuitive user interface.

Get the support you need, when you need it.


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