Transforming Modern Policing: How NIMBUS Shapes the Future of Investigations

Date: 3 September 2024 Author: Ffion Kent Read Time: 5 mins

By Nikki Moscrop, Chief Revenue Officer of BlackRainbow, discusses how an intelligent solution supports a collaborative approach to modern-day policing.

Policing faces a myriad of challenges daily, including dealing with the breadth, complexity, and volume of crimes to investigate. This makes it crucial to maintain accountability for their actions. Globally, there is a recognised need in policing to enhance services for investigating all types of crime. The ever-evolving nature of criminal activities, combined with the increasing sophistication of offenders, necessitates the adoption of advanced technologies to keep pace with these developments. This ongoing evolution underscores the importance of leveraging innovative solutions to improve investigative outcomes and public safety.

In the UK, policing is under increasing pressure due to a national shortage of detectives while managing a growing demand for investigative resources. For instance, in 2022/23, the Metropolitan Police Service investigated 9,000 reported rapes—a staggering 244% increase since 2012. This significant rise in demand and complexity prompted Baroness Casey of Blackstock to lead an independent review into the culture and standards of the organisation, following the tragic murder of Sarah Everard. The review was a pivotal moment for UK policing, aimed at addressing systemic issues and improving standards. In her review, Baroness Casey noted:

“The combination of high stress and responsibility, overwhelming workloads, and lack of experience and support in Public Protection has been one of the most concerning findings in our Review.”

An efficient case investigation platform is therefore a core requirement for all teams tasked with investigating complex offences. The Police Digital Service Strategy 2020 – 2030 outlines five key digital ambitions, of which Strand 2 (Addressing Harm) and Strand 3 (Enabling officers and staff through digital) specifically address these challenges. These ambitions highlight the need for advanced technological solutions to address the rising tide of complex cases and support officers in their investigative roles. By integrating sophisticated tools into the investigative process, law enforcement agencies can enhance their capability to manage and resolve cases more effectively.

Black Rainbow’s NIMBUS ecosystem meets this need by driving efficiency, integrity, and high standards into every case it is applied to. The strategic vision behind BlackRainbow was to create a modern and innovative solution tailored to the specific needs of the policing sector. Our NIMBUS solution is shaping the future of the investigation sector, and our customers attest that NIMBUS is the key technology policing needs to better manage investigations in this digital age and protect the public. The ability to adapt to the evolving landscape of crime and technology is crucial for maintaining effective investigative practices.

The NIMBUS ecosystem features three key elements: NIMBUS Intelligence, NIMBUS Investigator, and NIMBUS Forensics. Each of these platforms can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of any organisation. Additionally, users have the option to integrate these three platforms to create the ultimate investigation platform. This integration provides complete control and visibility to the full investigation lifecycle, supported with defensible evidence tracking, task management and reporting, all underpinned by compliance to the latest quality standards and procedures.


“When evaluating other options during our procurement process, NIMBUS was the only tool that fully met our needs and was capable of managing investigations, evidence, forensics, and ISO accreditation.”

– Customer Quote


Built with policing in mind, the NIMBUS Ecosystem is transforming how investigations are managed, addressing inefficiencies, and managing risks. Multiple His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspections and outcome reports have highlighted the need for better case management in investigations. This has been further compounded by the requirement for ISO accreditation in forensic work across all disciplines and the regulatory pressures from the UK Forensic Regulator.

NIMBUS is the first integrated investigation case and quality management ecosystem available in the market to start addressing these pressures. Quality Management is crucial for overseeing activities and tasks to maintain a desired level of excellence, manage risks effectively, and ensure efficiency. This is achieved by integrating all quality-related functions and processes throughout operational delivery and case management. Effective quality management ensures that every aspect of the investigative process is conducted to the highest standards, from initial evidence collection to case resolution.

With numerous capabilities, NIMBUS records every bit of information in a coordinated manner, allowing investigators to see the bigger picture with an effective and defensible audit trail. This makes it the ultimate investigation platform and of critical importance to policing. By providing a comprehensive and organised view of all case-related information, NIMBUS helps to eliminate data silos and ensures that all relevant evidence is accounted for, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of investigations.

As investigations become more complex and time-sensitive, both physical and digital information must efficiently flow into the central investigation command. This can only be achieved with systems and processes that allow investigators to sift through vast amounts of information to identify what is relevant. NIMBUS absorbs this information to rapidly understand and build a visual sequence of events. Designed to streamline this process, reduce data duplication, and optimise decision-making while maintaining investigation integrity and disclosure rules, NIMBUS is essential. The ability to visualise case data and track the progression of investigations in real time supports strategic decision-making and improves overall case management.

While UK policing has made strides in integrating technology, such as tablets and smartphones, there is still a journey ahead in modernisation. Policing continues to face challenges with legacy systems deployed on-premise, creating inefficiencies and lack of interoperability between systems. The move to cloud technology offers significant advantages, and UK policing is embracing this shift to enhance efficiency, interoperability, and data security. Every NIMBUS platform is built with this in mind, deployable in private or public clouds (National Policing Information Risk Management Team (NPRIMT) compliant and Police-Assured Secure Facilities (PASF) certified), mobile device compatible, and capable of integrating multiple stakeholders with secure access controls up to Top Secret classification. The cloud-based deployment of NIMBUS not only provides flexibility and scalability but also ensures that critical data is protected and accessible only to authorised personnel.

Furthermore, when focusing on modern technology, the choice between automating or orchestrating is crucial. The market is saturated with ‘Automation’ labels, which refer to using technology to perform specific tasks automatically without human intervention. This is evident in the Forensic market, where vendors offer automation capabilities for their standalone tools. While automation can enhance efficiency, it often lacks the comprehensive integration needed for effective case management.

Orchestration, however, is vital, especially in a collaborative or laboratory environment. It involves the automated arrangement, coordination, and management of multiple systems and technologies, providing an overall view across the business. It enables integration of various systems and automations into one manageable environment, alongside digitising standard operating procedures, asset alignment, and licensing management, all while adhering to relevant quality standards. By orchestrating diverse technologies and processes, NIMBUS ensures that all components of the investigative process work together seamlessly, improving overall efficiency and effectiveness.

NIMBUS includes an integral Orchestration platform that supports unlimited technology integrations and automations, linking operational procedures, people, assets, and quality management into a simple visual workflow builder. NIMBUS is technology agnostic, flexible, and evolves alongside business changes. This adaptability allows NIMBUS to integrate new tools and systems as they emerge, ensuring that law enforcement agencies can continue to benefit from the latest technological advancements.

Additionally, NIMBUS offers essential capabilities for intelligence generation, management, analysis, and reporting. It builds on case or incident data within Operational Analytics, providing real-time access to valuable information. This rich source of data enables important pattern matching across cases where no obvious links were previously known and supports risk profiling. The ability to analyse and interpret complex data sets is crucial for identifying patterns, understanding trends, and making informed decisions in investigations.

We are proud to continue working with policing to deliver strategic and operational improvements that empower police officers and staff to tackle current and future challenges. Our commitment to advancing technology and enhancing investigative capabilities ensures that policing is equipped to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving landscape. By staying at the forefront of technological innovation, we aim to support law enforcement agencies in their mission to protect and serve the public effectively.

View the digital Security Journal UK Magazine – Issue #44 September 2024


About the Author: 

Nikki Moscrop is the Chief Revenue Officer at Black Rainbow. She is experienced in account and operations management with a demonstrated history of working in both the public and private sectors with an excellent track record. Cultivating positive customer relationships through clear communication and exceptional customer care.

Nikki Moscrop




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